Jim Chappell's Gone and She who Visits my Dream

She again paid me a visit in my dream last night-that elfin lady who has enchanted this restless heart. She was crying as the rain and was presaging of an eminent destruction as men continue destroying the woods and contaminating the rivers. She complained of the pain she's enduring in her bosom and was becoming impatient of the indifference of men over God's creation.

I tried to placate her, to reach out to her, to touch her. But I fear that by my touching I may defile her delicate beauty. I wanted to assure her that I will do something about it but I hesitated for fear that she may sense the lack of conviction in my words. In silence, I let her speak her heart's complaints and when I had the courage to give her my word, she was gone.

As I sip coffee the morning after, I played on Jim Chappell's Gone and contemplated the dream's message vis-a-vis the planning workshop scheduled for tomorrow concerning Disaster Risk Reduction and Search and Rescue Plan of the local government unit.

Know and listen to the music of Jim Chappell at http://www.jimchappell.com/
And thanks to Rockmaster333 for the video clip


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