
Something inside urges me to write something today. I refused on many occasions. I argued that I am not inclined of writing something worthwhile befitting of this journal--err, blog. I prefer reading these days. Yesterday, I grabbed a label of an olive oil and tried hard reading the minute printouts written therein. Today, I visited this site hoping to read something that would interest me. It failed. So I decided to surf from the list in my dashboard and I managed to engage my mind into the gibberish that my fellow ghostwriters were trying to advertise.

Then again, I got tired of tiring myself in indulging into those promotions. What the heck! Why not try Facebook instead, whispered an inner voice. "¿Para que?", my rational mind responded readily. I realized later, I was back at square one as if an automaton writing this hallow words with nothing in mind but the desire of tinkering the keyboard of my computer.

At the back of my mind, something tells me that I have a lot of stories to write for others to read. But it is maybe for lack of discipline and focus or for just having a thought disorder that I got entangled into this frivolity. However you may put it, to the common man, I am just being uninspired to-day.


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