The 3 Questions Asked by the Great Gardener to Men

I REMEMBER the dream of Lady Arwen when men tried raping the forest and the garden of trees and everything that breaths therein. When the Great Gardener arrived, he called on those responsible. He asked: 1 - WHERE ARE YOU? Then when men showed up in fear and trembling, he heard them out reasoned: " We heard your voice in the garden and we're afraid. We saw ourselves poor and naked so we hid ." Thus He asked them again the second time around: 2 - WHO INFLUENCED YOU? They chorused in reply blaming other than themselves. Then in sadness, He asked them in finality: 3 - WHY DID YOU DO IT? Still defiant, they insisted that they have been forced to doing it out of deception. Such are men since the time of Adam and Even. Always fast to draw, wanting to have the cake and eat them too; wanting to be gods, knowing good and evil. Precisely that when the appointed time arrived, His only begot...