Basking in the Dark
God of Life, we are confronting this reality that at times life is not just an 8.9 magnitude earthquake and an overwhelming 10-meter tsunami, but a meltdown of our internal uranium. It is being forced into our psyche that it is a wildfire suddenly swiped by a flash flood then finished off by a mudslide. Alas, life is an insane rapist armed with a submachine gun, unrestrained and indifferently spraying bullets of fire into the innocent and the unborn. It is some rabid dogs hunting in packs or a prowling lion waiting for an ambush or a Damocles sword hanging on our heads.
Oh, Wisdom Augustine was tempted to contain but could not, our reason dictates: Be afraid. Build walls. Legislate more laws. Create armies and manufacture weapons of mass distraction. Subdue the earth. Tame nature. Exploit resources. Get insurance policy.
Please forgive our unbelief, oh faithful Creator. We are a proud creature. We prided our will and our intellect. We deem ourselves creators and lords of the Earth. We always thought that we are supermen. Yet deep in our hearts, we fear the unknown. We fear darkness and we are disturbed by the changing patterns of our world. We hate unpredictability and doubtful always of leaping into void.
Hear our supplications for those brethren our arms can no longer embrace. Help us to keep their smile and laughter in a special chamber in our mind and heal the wounds of our hearts severed by those facts of life. We pray for all who are left behind. Lend us your caring hands to help one another rebuild our lives. Stay with us even if at times we are far off from ourselves. Be the light to shine on our path for we fear the dark. Be our courage to build bridges instead of walls. Teach us to prosecute your law of Love and call us anew to be the stewards of your creation.

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