When Jesus Was

We're coming to the head of the Paskwa sa Banwa celebration. Due to hectic schedule, we've opted to shorten the celebration from the original 12 days of Christmas platform to this year's 5-day observance. We supposed to keep the spirit intact where the carolers are the ones giving gifts to the elected indigent families from all over Balete. The new administration however innovates by incorporating some sort of contests during the entire 5 night vigil--dance sports, Choral contest, vocal solo and composo (our OBM, i.e., orginal Baleten-on Music). I've insisted that such contests should be within the context of the celebration and so far, I've to rationalize if they indeed have been made that way.
I recall a note from a priest on the manner we have observed and celebrated Christmas. He avers that Christmas, in its true merit, happens after we've sang the Christmas carols and sent out those Christmas cards, after we've opened the Christmas gifts, when we have eaten the noche buena and set aside those glittering Christmas lanterns and trees; when we've switched off the Christmas lights. Christmas happens when we turn our attention to the poor, when we proclaim liberty to the captives and give sight to the blind, when we give food to the hungry and announce a year of favor from the Lord...Christmas happens when Jesus is present in every activity that we involve in.
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