
I just announced on my FB window that I'm back in Makati and got lost. Makati had been my home for seven years way back in 1986, just a few months after the EDSA revolution. I left in 1993 after getting fed up dealing with some forex trading "busyness" along Paseo de Roxas. I went home in Balete assuring my lady friend that I would be back soon. It is sad to note though that up to this time, I've not fulfilled that promise uttered to her on that one restless evening. It is sad that I've not tried keeping in touch with her after my failure to make that promise come true. It is sadder that I've not asked her to forgive me for my failings. It is the saddest that I've not prayed for her after all these years and that I even managed to list her name in the water or perhaps locked it up in some closed doors in the mansion of my mind.
Even then, the conscious self still wishes to make amend. In due time, I shall recall her name and by then, I can pray for her and ask my God that he'll make things great for his beloved daughter in her time. Yes, in her time.
I'm retracing my paths in Makati hoping to correct some mistakes but unfortunately, I got lost. Could somebody show me the way, please.
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