Vita, Vida et Vera

People from all over called them, "tres marias"; my three daughters by my wife. Vita's full name is Vita Aurora. She was born at dawn on May of 2000 in our nipa hut. Her mother labored for more than 12 hours and was so weak when she finally decided to say hi to life at daybreak. Life at dawn, that's the literal meaning of her name.
My second child is named Alia Vida--the other life, in our lives. She got out from her mother's womb in a matter of a few minutes thus catching me off-guard. I supposed that Mae would labor long just as when she did with Vita. So when she was brought to the Labor Room of the hospital, I walked the corridors down to a store to buy some candies. The setting sun was kissing the Kalibo horizon when I ventured out of the hospital door. I was worried to see no familiar faces waiting by the Labor Room upon my return. The worries vanished though when somebody informed me that my unconscious wife and her baby girl were already brought to her room and the nursery respectively.
The third is Aurea Vera, Golden Truth, in Latin. She got her name as a reaction to the issue of the elusiveness in ferreting out the truths about so many controversies affecting the administration of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
My tres Marias! My Life's saving grace! God's gift and signs along life's road.
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