The Enchanting Balete Paradigm

(Herewith is m y talk delivered during the opening ceremonies of " ENCHANTING: Idto sa amon sa Balete Photo Exhibit at the Museo it Akean " on October 13, 2012 in Kalibo, Aklan. The photo exhibit lasts until October 29, 2012 ) I go out of my comfort zone today to answer the question, “ Why EnchantingBalete ”? I am sorry to disappoint those who assume that it is a brand name. Enchanting Balete is not a brand name like Canon, Yashica or Nikon. We would like to give emphasis on this as we categorically parry off the observation of UNESCO Regional Advisor for Culture in Asia and Pacific, Mr. Richard Englehardt, of the realities of turning heritage sites into mere object of entertainment and commercialism. Neither we venture into falsifying authenticity for the sake of tourism, however you may call it today. To us, Enchanting Balete is more like the photographer and his handy camera. It is a paradigm through which we see things. It is much like Mr. Roy Escalon...