My One Attachment to 2011

A screen copy of my entry at WCJ I received a notice from the publisher of my other personal blog informing me of the following: Dear author, After nearly 5 years and more than 7 million words written, WcJ is ceasing service. In order to give you a chance to retrieve your writings if you so desire, WCJ is now available again until the end of 2011. To retrieve the contents of your journal(s), you should visit the site and login and then select the journal you'd like to retrieve. Then click the Print button, and a new page will be shown with all your journal entries, in "New to old" order. If you'd prefer to see them in the order you wrote them, just click "Old to new" at the top of the page. When you're happy with how that looks, you can use your web browser to save the contents of the page, or you can click Print to print it, or to save it as a PDF if you have that functionality available. Kindest regards, The Team Reading it, something ins...