Concocting Beer-Brand Down the Jal-o

My cousins treated me yesterday to a strange mix they called Beer-Brand. Yes, Beer-Brand as in beer mixed in brandy and not Bear Brand Full Cream milk . The concoction was made of a couple of chilled bottle of San Miguel Beer Pilsen emptied on a pitcher with a long necked Emperador Brandy Light (about 750ml). The taste is passable especially if your tongue have just feasted on fresh oysters (talaba, taeaba) and steamed angel wings (diwal, diwae). The oyster is grown down the Jal-o but the angel wings are long gone when people started felling and destroying the mangroves. My cousins were just resourceful in having angel wings and oysters for bar chow (pulutan, sumsuman). I seldom pay my parents' ancestral home a visit these days. I was prompted to trace my path there yesterday to pay my homage to my aunt who passed away at the age of 85 last January 25 in Hermosa, Bataan. Her remains was airlifted the other day and is set to be buried at the Calug-a Cemetery on Saturday, just a...