Virtual Retreat for the Holy Week

The exigencies of life--money, time, work, distance, family--have been the prime reasons for my failure to spend a couple of days at the Trappist Monastery in Guimaras for my annual retreat this year. The abbey has been my place of refuge since the time I distance myself from the "urban caves" some years past. It is some place I long to be but can't. It is the distant home I want to return to but not yet. My heart is pulled towards it, only that the corporal body resists. Yet, my spirit soars often into it and is made well by just the sound of its silence and sighing of its monks. But I pass on this Lent without having gone there, physically. And I'm sad. My consolation is provided by the net. I goggled "Virtual Retreat" and it showed me thousands of options. I tried to be specific with my search, encoding the phrase, "Virtual Retreat for the Holy Week" in the search frame and the result was almost akin. Some of the finds which have attracted my e...