A Question of Gift to Give

My inaanak (goddaughter) sent me an invitation to her debut last Friday. I never realized then that she's already that old. I always regard my godchildren as peter pans with wings. The failure of counting the years is a manifestation of my almost unconscious desire of living forever young. The invitation thus was not only a call to live life to its fullest, but a disruption of my daydreaming of living in the past. I haven't gotten of my fixation of the Jal-o River that was pristine clear and filled with life. I remember so well diving in its warm water searching for clams (we called it then bebe ). My father used to erect artificial corrals ( gango ) in it which after a month or so, we would enclose with fishpens ( taba ) to help us out in the harvesting. A couple of gango would yield about a pail (about 5-6 kilograms) of freshwater shrimps ( oeang, bueok and paye ) some ubog, bagtis and bae-a (varieties of freshwater fishes of the goby [ gobiidae ] and sleepers family [ el...