The Meaning of Life and the Constancy of the Jal-o

A philosopher opted to spend seven years by the Jal-o with a hook, a line and a sinker to contemplate on the meaning of life. On his seventh year, he chanced upon a beautiful lass doing laundry by the bank of the river who asked him what he's been doing all those years.
"Oh, fishing." he answered, and added to keep the conversation going. "I wanted to know what life really is."
"And have you got the answer?"
"Yes," he answered. "Life is like the Jal-o."
"That's nice," she responded. "But can you explain it to me more clearly how is that that life is like the Jal-o?"
"Ah," he finally replied after some thought. "I really don't want to argue with you. And maybe you're right. Perhaps, life is not like the Jal-o after all."


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