When an Elfin Lady Rides a Jeepney

You sat in front of me. But no words were uttered that are directed to each other. There were secret glances thrown, some tacit prayer murmured silently by fettered hearts that refuse respite.  I noticed your sad eyes and the pretty face you wore today. It is strange that such a beauty has such eyes that prefer the distant scene of empty spaces. Do they see the reddening sky as the sun kissed the horizon when others were seeing the juxtaposing neon lights along the stretch of Taft Avenue?

A Donovan cut was playing softly in some unseen stereo. The commuters looked bored and tired and understand not a word. You seem to flow with it rather than riding this slow-moving carriage. The traffic was heavy today, just as it has been in Tita Cory's time and yet you have soared into the wishes of Brother Sun and Sister Moon. Was this a lovely day?, your mind asked your heart. Was this day filled with meaning to justify your resolve of seeing tomorrow's rays?

Your brows curved and they betrayed a couple of lines on your forehead. You have aged much. That's not the way I remember you the first time we met! I remember those moment when you inquired me of my opinion concerning Sartre's La nausée. Where you trying to impressed me then when you came to my place just to ask my mind?  I'd seen you long ago. From a distance. But since the time you paid me a brief visit, you disturbed my quiet existence. You have always been an enigma, an elusive elf whose smile reminds me of the Monalisa and since then, you have enchanted this soul.

Isn't it strange then that we have not exchange words today when we are a seat apart from each other? Busy?



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