A Pastor's Story

On his first sermon, the new pastor engages the churchgoers with this story:

One day, a grieving devoted Catholic went to see her parish priest. She related that her pet dog has just died. She wanted to give it a decent "Christian" burial. She came therefore to request the pastor to say a funeral mass for the eternal repose of her deceased Dalmatian. The Cura gently turned down the request, informing the matron that the Eucharistic celebration is only done for the baptized. 
The rich lady sadly accepted the decision of the priest. She bid him goodbye with a remark, "I understand you perfectly, Father. But it was my intention to offer you 1,000 pesos for the mass." Upon hearing this, the stout priest reconsidered his decision. He pleaded, "Okay, I'll say the mass for the salvation of your pet. How do you want it said, in English or Latin?" 


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